Sunday, January 20, 2013

What's It Like...

When things don't seem clear, what's that like? When things are going fine and you're living high on life, full of laughter and joy--then energy starts to slowly dwindle, you try to be positive and all of sudden you don't want to be anymore. You're not sure why things are starting to fall apart, infact now it seems like chaos...Things were once clear and now they  are's blurry and you can't see. Like driving in the thickness of a FOG, your driving speed slows down and you even get a bit nervous driving....

Sure people of Faith can pull from the bible and quote some honest are you really feeling that???

Maybe you don't know one scripture (which is COMPLETELY fine) what's going on in your mind?

Maybe you don't believe in God, what are your thoughts? How do you stay positive and in a "Clear" lane when life trials has become a THICK FOG right now???

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